Frequently Asked Questions


Not at this time.

Yes, we do. Our priority is getting the best results for you, so we always want to retain direct contact with you. But we’ll gladly collaborate with other marketing firms and your existing teams to ensure a unified strategy for your growth.

Currently, we market only in English.

Absolutely! We’re a global agency with a proven track record of success in America, South Africa, the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Israel, and beyond. Let’s discuss how we can light up your brand digitally all over the world!

Outsourcing your digital marketing to us comes with several distinct benefits. Most notably, you get access to a team of award-winning marketing professionals. We leverage years of data, experience, and the best industry tools out there – tools that are often too costly or complex for in-house use. In addition, bringing someone onboard to handle your digital marketing means adding another person to your roster to manage. We are self-sufficient, and expertly handle your entire spectrum of digital marketing tactics, from ABM and SEO to social media. Achieving a similarly wide-ranging level of service with a single in-house marketer is a very tall order.

What to expect from us, and what we expect from you

We know that every business has unique goals. That’s why we tailor our key performance indicators directly to your needs. Whether you need to boost e-commerce sales, generate leads, or anything in between – we’ll track the metrics that drive your results.

Here are some key data points we often focus on:

  • COCA (Cost of Customer Acquisition)
  • LTV (Lifetime Value)
  • Engagement metrics (impressions, CTR)

The bottom line is always your ROI. We’re focused on making sure our campaigns deliver a positive return on your investment.

Absolutely! You’ll receive progress reports during your regular monthly meetings with us. Your dedicated Success Consultant can supply you with weekly reports so you’re informed about your overall growth all the time. We can also provide you with 24/7 access to our reporting software, enabling you to track your performance whenever and wherever you want.

Of course! We leverage top-tier tools such as Moz, SEMrush, and Google Analytics to gain a comprehensive understanding of your industry. This enables us to pinpoint where significant growth opportunities are located, and how to devise the most effective strategies for the long-term success of your brand. Conducting in-depth competitor analyzes is another crucial part of our strategy. It’s vital for us to identify opportunities where you can surpass your competitors.

Absolutely – we believe in transparency. You’ll get regular reports from your account manager, plus we can set you up with 24/7 access to our reporting dashboard. With direct access to our reporting software, you’ll be able to track your marketing metrics and your campaign’s performance anytime, anywhere.

We consider a smooth and efficient onboarding process vital to get off to a strong start! Understanding your short-term and long-term objectives is crucial. We recognize that every client is unique, so we aim to build a process that fits your specific needs. We also like to establish a Scope of Work and an accounting agreement early in our strategy discussions. We’ll go over these documents thoroughly with you to make sure everybody’s expectations and responsibilities are clear. These are further important details:

Dedicated Success Consultant

You'll have a dedicated Success Consultant assigned to you, who’ll be your primary point of contact with us. They'll get to know your business thoroughly, to our mutual benefit. Our digital teams will be empowered to leverage a thorough understanding of your brand. You'll have someone who's closely involved with every part of your digital marketing campaign, from social media to PPC.

Preparation and ‘Kickstart’ Session

Before our first strategy meeting, we'll conduct an in-depth review of your website and online presence. This involves using the finest reporting and site auditing tools available, combined with the collective knowledge of our digital experts. We'll also review any previous marketing activities you've undertaken for additional insights.

During the kickstart session, we'll present you with our findings and suggestions in clear, straightforward language, and address any questions you have. We'll highlight your biggest opportunities and set realistic expectations from the get-go. Following this, we'll draft a schedule of deliverables that focuses on your immediate needs and long-term objectives.

At all times your input, ideas, and concerns will be highly valued.


The timeline for seeing a significant return on your investment (ROI) varies based on the type of digital marketing strategy that we implement for you:

SEO / Organic Social

As all brands face varying levels of competition, we can't promise results within a specific timeframe. However, our goal has always been to achieve noticeable marketing growth within 9 -12 months. We require at least 3 months initially for implementation, and then another 3 months to manage and assess how your strategy is panning out. After 6 months, we'll be in a position to offer you informed and pin-point recommendations to meet your marketing objectives.

PPC / Paid Social / Email Marketing

Here we also can't guarantee immediate results, but we’ve always aimed for a noticeable marketing improvement within 3 - 6 months. We’ll need 1 - 2 months for the initial implementation phase, plus an additional month for performance management. By the end of 3 months, we'll be ready to give you strategic advice tailored to achieving your marketing goals.

The speed at which you’ll see results also depends on factors such as your industry’s competitiveness and your specific objectives. Strategies like SEO and content marketing, although slower to show immediate results, have a longer-lasting impact that’ll continue to drive traffic and sales long after the campaign is over. This is why we often recommend a mix of these strategies to our clients, allowing for quick wins short-term, and building long-term future growth.

We usually recommend 12 months as the optimal period to achieve the best results for you. However, the exact period can vary depending on factors such as your industry, the level of competition you face, and the specific nature of your projects. Our experience has shown that it takes time to fully optimize campaigns and achieve sustainable and tangible success.

If you need quick results, we recommend alternative strategies like PPC (pay per click) advertising. Irrespective of the strategy, we always devise a customized strategy for each of our clients. We do offer one-time projects such as web development. However, we’ve observed that most clients benefit from additional services like SEO or conversion rate optimization, particularly for e-commerce sites.

Our commitment to our clients is grounded in delivering performance, achieving success, and fostering sustainable growth.

To put it bluntly: the bigger your budget, the more impressive and faster your returns will be. But don’t get discouraged – that does NOT mean you won’t be able to see impressive results with a smaller budget! The cost of your campaign will also vary depending on the types of digital marketing services you use:

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Campaigns

These typically require a higher initial investment, but can yield quick results. If you're looking to increase visibility and traffic in the short term, this is the optimal way to go.

Content Marketing

This approach is usually more cost-effective, but it does require more time and patience. It involves creating and distributing valuable content to attract and engage a targeted audience over time.

During the consultation phase, our experts will work with you to suggest a personalized and realistic budget to achieve success across any service you choose. We typically recommend a flexible starting budget that’s tailored to your specific goals and desired outcomes. This ensures that you can adjust your investment as needed based on performance and results. Our aim is to maximize the impact of each dollar you spend.

Billing & Contracts

US Clients

We offer secure and convenient payment processing through Stripe. Easily pay with credit/debit cards or digital wallets. Stripe's advanced fraud protection ensures your transactions are safe.

International Clients

For clients outside the US, we accept payments via PayPal and SWIFT EFT. Please note that international payments may be subject to additional fees or currency conversion rates.

No, there are not. We believe in transparency and open communication with our clients. When you sign a contract with us, you’ll be fully informed about all the charges involved in our services. We’ll provide you with clear, upfront information about all costs. For specific projects, such as website or graphic design, which are billed on a per-project basis, we’ll stick to your initially agreed-upon budget. If extra time is required, we won’t proceed without your explicit approval. You’ll remain in control of your budget at all times.

We understand that circumstances can change, leading you to consider canceling your contract or services with us. Here’s how we handle these situations:

Minimum Term

Our contracts typically include a minimum commitment of 12 months, a period that best ensures the best possible performance from our digital marketing efforts on your behalf. We make sure to emphasize to all new customers that building a noteworthy return on investment (ROI) is a process that takes time. Patience is key to seeing rewarding results.

Notice Period

If you find that you need to cancel your services, we kindly ask for at least 30 days' notice. If you're considering canceling, we urge you to talk to us about it - we might find a solution that’s better for both of us within the contract's terms. Please note as well that a cancellation charge may apply to compensate us for the early termination.

We offer two main types of contracts that are tailored to our client’s needs – project-based and recurring service SOWs. Both contract types begin with a client consultation to discuss timeframes, expectations and sprint plans in detail. If you need very speedy results, we’ll build an urgency fee into your SOW to ensure we can meet your deadlines. For services involving third-party platforms, (like Google or a social media advertising channel), we’ll handle billing directly with the provider on your behalf.

Project-based SOWs

These include one-time projects like the major overhaul or redesign of an existing website, or the development of a new website. We charge for project-based SOWs at a flat rate. We’ll also require a 50% deposit that’s based on the total estimated cost of the project before work begins. Once your project is ready to launch and go live, you’ll be issued a final invoice for the remainder of our fee.

Recurring Service SOWs

Recurring Service SOWs are billed monthly and our invoice will be sent to you 7 days before the service month-end. We kindly request payment on or before the 1st of the month. This will avoid any service delays that might necessitate putting your services on hold and possibly causing your campaign to lose momentum. Recurring service contracts are typically negotiated for 12 months, whereafter a month-to-month basis will apply.

To support the upfront costs associated with advertising and content creation for our campaigns, we ask our customers to make payments 30 days in advance of the campaign’s go-live date. This approach ensures that all necessary resources are in place for a successful launch. If you’re unable to make a payment on time, we’ll need to temporarily suspend services until you can resume payments.

Our rates are designed to be flexible and tailored to the specific needs and goals of our clients:

Once-Time Projects

For unique projects like web development, we provide a custom price that will be based on your specific technical requirements. You’ll pay for exactly what you need - nothing more, nothing less.

Recurring Services

For most of our other services, we have standardized rates in place. These are carefully calculated to ensure the success of your campaign while still maintaining affordability. There's a minimum viable rate set for each service to guarantee its effectiveness and your satisfaction.

Since each business is unique, we highly recommend reaching out to our experts for a personalized consultation and advice on the best services for your situation. This will allow us to better understand your needs and address any technical queries. We’ll also discuss your goals, and provide you with a custom quote that matches your business strategy.